Negocepanel International Limited

245 A Serena Conference Center Kampala Serena Hotel P.O. Box 71424 Kampala Uganda

+256 700 815964


Audit Partner CPA (U) MSC ACCTG& FIN (MUK)

1. Single panel :

The NEGOCEPANEL single panel is made up of a spatial steel lattice enclosing an expanded polystyrene slab that is then finished on site with STRUCTURAL SORTCRETE plastering in both sides. This panel is perfect for walls, partitions, claddings, floors and roofing of both civil and industrial applications. Used as a load- bearing structure, for buildings of up to 6 floors, with structural short crete placed on both sides; as partitions and claddings, in new buildings or in those in need for Renovation; as curtain walls and partitions in large-sized industrial and commercial buildings; as insulating frameworks for roofing and moderate spam floors, prepared with or without pre-cast beams. The panel is industrially produced and it is then assembled and completed directly on site with two layers of short Crete. The self –supporting panels can be made in various shapes and cover the entire range of elements necessary to finalize any type of project in the building industry.

Audit Partner CPA (U) MSC ACCTG& FIN (MUK)

2. Double panel

An insulated double panel, excellent for reinforced concrete walls, including load-bearing and retention ones. The double panel consists of two basic panels, suitably shaped and joined to one another by double horizontal connectors, creating a cavity to be filled with concrete having appropriate characteristics and strength. Two single panels with internal and external mesh, assembled through connectors, the concrete is poured “in situ”. The thickness of the core concrete will be defined on the basis of the structural requirements The outside panel is finished using standard plaster or ready mix material. The double panel comes with reinforcement certified by an Official Laboratory.

Ntale George - Audit Partner

3. Landing panel :

A panel used to build landings, floors and bidirectional reinforced plates. It provides continuous insulation to the panel intrados. The NEGOCEPANEL landing panel is an excellent solution to build landings next to the stairs made with the NEGOCEPANEL stair panels. The landing panel can also be used for any plate or slab made of concrete to be reinforced in two directions, offering the advantage of both reduced weight, when compared to a full slab, and continuous insulation when used also as a formwork.

Audit Partner CPA (U) MSC ACCTG& FIN (MUK)


The staircase element is constituted by a shaped polystyrene core covered with two electro-welded meshes joined by connectors. This element must be reinforced and completed according to the span on site.
This is a panel for the fast construction of a lightweight and resistant stairs. Made up of a polystyrene foam block the pa ne l is s h ape d to design requirements and sandwiched between two metal meshes by welded steel wires. When reinforced and cast-in-place it is ideal to build stairs that can be externally finished with traditional plaster, tiles or any other finishing material. The stair panel is quick and easy to install and offers particular lightness and strength

Ntale George - Audit Partner

5. Floor and roof :

A panel used to build floors and roofing with reinforced concrete joists, providing significant advantages in terms of lightness, insulation and speed of assembly. The NEGOCEPANEL pre-formed polystyrene foam slab, reinforced with suitable steel joists and then adding cast-in-place concrete, can be used to construct floors or roofing when reinforced with suitable steel joists and then adding cast-in-place concrete. Used for floor slabs and roofs with variable thickness according to the span. The reinforcing steel is placed inside the beams and poured with concrete on site.